I wasn't supposed to be at home but my boss said take the morning off. The postie wasn't supposed to deliver it, only card it. But there I was sitting at the computer catching up with end of month accounts and I hear this gasp at the front door. I opened it and there was a very puffed out postie and a very happy me!
Got to go to work, but so looking forward to putting it all together tonight! Carding here I come more details later.
Welcome to the blog of Fibrefanatic Designs. For those of you who have a love of texture and colour in relation to fibre, we have something in common. This blog is a journal of my passion for Art yarns and also the bits of my world that add to the mix. Thanks for popping by.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
The dye pots are simmering
Just watched a video on dying fibre from Namaste Farms on Facebook- Natalie Redding - she is truly inspirational if not a little unconventional (that's the part I like) on dyeing. Seeing it is my day off I am inspired and have got the dyepots heating up. Grabbed some washed fleece, silk, mohair and some silk fabric and put it all in the pot with a some vinegar. It is heating up as I type. I am planning to put two or three colours in the pot and we wills see what comes out. I love this way of dying as the colours come out differently on each type of fibre. I can then card the fibres and blend them together to get a very muted result or I can spin then as they come into my hand and get a very textured and yet co-ordinated look to my yarn. I am also going to try dying some Merino top in the oven. I have a roasting dish that I never use, even though it is stainless steel the heat distribution for roasting is less than favourable. I hoping that dyeing in this way that there will be less movement and the top will not felt. Here's hoping, its all drying outside, looks good but the proof will be in the spinning!
Friday, September 10, 2010
The best laid plans!
Yep 'the best laid plans of mice and men are apt to go astray' I don't know who said that and I'm not trying to hex myself, but I have a weekend coming up on my own. Well part of the weekend anyway. Now for those of you who have lived on their own you know the drill if you want to get things done - don't you? You eat take away, you don't do your hair, in fact you could stay in your dressing gown for the best part of the day. Going out for take away could even take up too much time if your on a mission, therefore toast is the best standby accompanied by lots of cups of tea.
I think you might be getting my drift, I am planning to get lots of spinning done with the aim of getting my web site up and running.
I was inspired by the lovely cheque I received from the Guild for the sale of my yarns over the last 6 weeks - a nice surprise, and big enough to tell me that I should be getting over my preconceived idea that I don't know enough to get this website up and running. So shhh, let's not say it too loud or someone might hear, but the whirring and soft breeze that you hear and feel this weekend will be me spinning away - wish me luck.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
New Batts!
I am still experimenting with my method of making mixed fibre batts. Whether to dye my fibre in separate colours and then blend or contrast in the batt or dye the fibre in mixed or blended colours first. Doing it the latter way means it tends to become more muted in the batt but it can still look inspiring. I also find that the colours start 'bright' in the fibre, look muted in the batt and then brighten up again in the yarn, it's amazing what a bit of twist can do to concentrate things. These are all destined to be core spun yarn. When I have three batts in one colour way I tend to take a portion off each batt and then spin them this evens out any differences in the yarn.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Take a deep breath!
I have been spinning Art Yarns for at least 4 years and it is my favourite form of spinning. I just love how the colours and textures come together. My aim is to produce artistic, yet practical yarns, that knitters want to incorporate into their work. I don't really like knitting so I talk to knitters to find out what their pet peeves are and what they look for in a 'novelty' yarn. Why they don't like them, and what would change their mind about them etc. It seems the best way to research this subject because after all I don't want them just sitting there doing nothing no matter how wonderful I think they look. Admiration only goes so far.
Well, today I am working on some cream coloured yarn for an order and then making some multi coloured sari silk yarn for another. In between I am taking Mum to the doctors and doing some cooking for the week. Sounds like a plan - let's see how it goes.
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