The three p's in business are people, product and persistence and they say that the greatest of these is persistence. Well, I don't know if I've got the greatest of the p's but I do know that my husband and friend Mandie from
Ewe give me the Knits, have it for me. For the last six months or more, probably since the Bendigo Wool show, they have been 'encouraging' me to get my website up and running. I won't go into all the things that slowed it down because speed is a relative thing and the end result is,'s up and running!
It's been a learning process, probably only the start of a whole heap of learning and on the whole I have enjoyed it. A little tweaking here and there, but I am happy, and I hope that those who visit are too!
So here's to my spot on the w.w.w., I hope people like what they see!
Fibrefanatic Designs
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